Wellness Beyond the Plate: Nourishing Body, Mind, and Soul

Whenever we hear the term “diet”, we conjure images of strict meal plans, calorie counting, and food restrictions. But what if I told you there’s a whole new way to approach dieting – one that’s all about abundance, nourishment, and vibrant living? In our pursuit of physical health, we often overlook the holistic nature of our well-being. Beyond the food on our plates, our diet encompasses every aspect of our lives, influencing our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Let’s delve deeper into what it truly means to have a holistic diet and explore how we can nourish ourselves on all levels.

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Juggling Deadlines and Downtime: How I Keep It Together (Mostly)!

Welcome, fellow warriors of the corporate battlefield! As an Indian woman in my 20s, I know the pressure of balancing a demanding career with a fulfilling personal life. I work in the area of IT consulting firm, which means my days are packed with meetings, deadlines, and the ever-present hum of technology. But outside of work, I’m a passionate reader, a weight training enthusiast, a yogi in training, and a proud gardener.

Let’s be honest, “having it all” can feel like a constant juggling act. There are days when I feel like I’m dropping everything, and others where I feel like I’m gracefully navigating the chaos. But over the past few years, I’ve learned a few things about work-life integration that have helped me achieve a semblance of balance (and sanity!).

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The Benefits of Strength Training for Women: Why You Should Lift Weights

When it comes to fitness, women often focus on cardio and flexibility training. The image of a slim and flexible female body has been propagated for years in media for decades. Fortunately, things have changed in the last couple years with more and more fitness influencers talking about the importance of strength training for women.

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Sita: The Feminist Icon for Young Women of Today

The celebrated and welcome wave of feminism sweeping our world today might seem to be a modern day gift, but in reality it is not so new in India. We have innumerable women in our history who were expert at warfare and arts alike, had an steel-will and made their own decisions even if it went against all societal expectations. One such example is Sita, princess of Mithila, daughter of King Janak, queen of Ayodhya and wife of Ram.

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What to Write in a Journal: Topics, Ideas and Prompts

While everyone knows the benefits of journaling, hardly anyone talks about the challenges. One of the hardest thing is to stay regular. It is utterly disappointing when you sit down to write, and your mind draws a blank. Writing the daily happenings gets boring after a point of time, but what else to write?

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