Exploring Yoga: More Than Exercise, a Life Philosophy

In today’s fast-paced world, where fitness trends come and go with the seasons, yoga stands as a timeless practice that transcends mere physical exercise. It’s a philosophy, a way of life, and a journey of self-discovery. My own understanding of yoga underwent a profound transformation when I embarked on the path of becoming a certified yoga teacher. Through this journey, I realized that yoga is not just about contorting the body into impressive postures; it’s a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.

Ashtanga yoga, one of the many branches of this ancient tradition, offers a comprehensive framework for personal development. Derived from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it consists of eight limbs, each representing a different aspect of practice. Delving into these elements opened my eyes to the depth and richness of yoga beyond its physical manifestations.

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My Yoga Journey – From disinterest to intrigue and enlightenment

Unlike some people who might have been interested in yoga for a long time, or got started with yoga for fitness or owing to some life-altering events, my yoga journey began mostly with little to no interest in yoga. While I have always been enthusiastic about fitness and still enjoy strength training, yoga had never seemed like my cup of tea. Even when my mom had been a fairly regular practitioner, I always thought yoga to be too slow and boring.

During lockdown, when all the gyms were closed and I was frustrated at being cooped up inside the house, on my mom’s insistence, I started practicing a few rounds of Surya Namaskar in the morning. I am not a morning person and am usually low on energy and enthusiasm in the morning, but I saw a marked change in my energy and mood after just 15 minutes of morning yoga practice. I continued this morning practice for the next 2 years.

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Getting Started with Yoga – All You Need to Know as a Beginner

If you are considering learning yoga – congratulations! You are about to be introduced to a wonderful practice with a potential to transform your body, mind and life altogether. Unlike what is known to most people, yoga is much more than a form of exercise, and is great for anyone and everyone with a willingness and curiosity to learn.

: Yoga is NOT a form of workout
Most of us relate yoga to only the contortionist poses that we have seen on Instagram, but these yogic postures or “asanas” are a very miniscule part of the philosophy of yoga. In fact, as per the philosophy of “ashtang yoga” or the eight-fold path of yoga, aasanas are only the third step after yamas and niyamas (the do’s and dont’s of a spiritual lifestyle), with the objective of strengthening the body in order to enable long hours of meditation.

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